The main objectives of this research are: i) to study the efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province; ii) to compare the efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province, classified by personal status; and iii) to study the problems and suggestions of study the efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province. The research is survey research.Data collections are conducted using questionnaire with 226 targets of Buddhist Sangha Admistrators, the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist who lived 5 districts in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province, selected by purposive Simple Random Sampling Technique. Data analysis was conducted using Statistical Program for analysis of Social Science data. Statistical values of Frequency, Percentage, Average and Standard Deviation were described. t-test was used for two variables. F-test with One-way ANOVA was employed for at least three variables. Statistical significance was conducted using Least Significant Difference (LSD) with 0.05 level of significance.
Results of the Research were concluded as follows :
    1). The efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District , Ayutthaya Province was found at the high level ( = 3.69). When considered in each aspects, it was also noticed at the high levels in all aspects, namely, i) The maintenance of the temple, a good management of treasure religious was found at the high level ( = 3.75), ii) The governing and monitoring the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist who lived in the temple following the disciplinary rules of the Sangha Association was found at the high level ( = 3.74), iii) To engaged in education and teaching the disciplinary rules for the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist was found at the high level ( = 3.64), iv) Convenient to make merit was found at the high level ( = 3.63).
2). With regard to comparison of The efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province, classified by the personal status : age, duration of ordination, degree of General education, degree of Dhamma education, duration of holding a position, location of the district and personal status of questionnaire it was found that Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province with the different of age, location of the district was statistically different at 0.05 level of significance, therefore the hypotheses were accepted. However, Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province with the different of duration of ordination, degree of General education, degree of Dhamma education, duration of holding a position and personal status of questionnaire was not statistical significance, therefore the hypotheses were rejected.
3) For the problems, the suggestions of effective development about The efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province, it was found that :
The problems were as follows: i) The maintenance of the temple , a good management of treasure religious, such as no enough budget for supporting, ii) The governing and monitoring the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist who lived in the temple following the disciplinary rules of the Sangha Association, such as lacking of clear rules for cohabitation, iii) To engaged in education and teaching the disciplinary rules for the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist, such as the Buddhist priests and novitiates had a few knowledge for Buddhism propagation iv) Convenient to make merit, such as lacking of participation of the Buddhist to make merit.
The suggestions of effective development about The efficiency administration of Buddhist Sangha Administrators in Phachi District, Ayutthaya Province offers the following guidelines: i) The maintenance of the temple, a good management of treasure religious, such as funding and local resources to support, ii) The governing and monitoring the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist who lived in the temple following the disciplinary rules of the Sangha Association, such as there should be rules and charts for administration together, iii) To engaged in education and teaching the disciplinary rules for the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist such as there should be projects to train and get knowledge to the Buddhist priests, novitiates and the Buddhist for Buddhism Propagation, iv) Convenient to make merit, such as enforcement of religious rules to make merit for practice guidelines.