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An Analysis of Buddhist Leadership Skills of Administrators According to Buddhist Dhamma at Primary Buddhist Way Schools in Nonthaburi Province
Researcher : Phrakhru Opatnontakitti (Sakda Obhāso) date : 15/10/2015
Degree : พุทธศาสตรดุษฎีบัญฑิต(การบริหารจัดการคณะสงฆ์)
Committee :
  สิน งามประโคน
  สุเทพ พรมเลิศ
Graduate : 2558

 The objectives of the research are: 1) to study the Buddhist leadership of administrators in management of Pathomsuksa Buddhist oriented schools in Nonthaburi province, 2) to study the Buddhist leadership skills of administrators in management of Pathomsuksa Buddhist oriented schools in Nonthaburi province, and 3) to present the Buddhist leadership skills of administrators in management of Pathomsuksa Buddhist oriented schools in Nonthaburi province. The mixed-method research design was used for the study. 200 samples from school cluster composed of the school administrators and teachers in Pathomsuksa Buddhist oriented schools in Nonthaburi province were used as the quantitative study. The qualitative study was conducted with 30 persons whose duty concerning to the management of Buddhist oriented schools; community representatives, temple representatives, and school representatives.  The quantitative data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation (S.D.), while the qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis.

             The results of the study were found that:

             1. The level of Buddhist leadership of administrators in management of Pathomsuksa Buddhist oriented schools in Nonthaburi province was highest in total. While considered in each side, the highest level was on impact, and in-put factor was in a high level. This indicated that Buddhist leadership in management of Buddhist oriented schools placed a focus on achievement, such as knowledge and virtues rather than in-put factors as decision and motivation.

2. The Buddhist leadership skills of administrators in management of Pathomsuksa Buddhist oriented schools in Nonthaburi province was in the highest level totally in decision, motivation, human relation, communication change approach which related to the leadership in administrative process; in-put factor support, process development and appropriate impact or achievement.

              3. The Buddhadhamma correlating to leadership of administrators in Buddhist oriented schools in managing primary education level in Nonthaburi province was in the high level and had correlation as follows; 1. The decision making skill in management correlated to the principles of Sappurisa Dhamma and Ti Sikkha, 2. Motivation building skill correlated to the principles of Gharāvāsa Dhamma and Iddhipāda, 3. Communication skill correlated to Aparihāniya Dhamma, 4. Change approach skill correlate to Sanghahavatthu, and 5. Human relation skill correlated to the principles of Precepts, Brahmavihāra Dhamma and Kalyanamitta.

             4. The model of leadership skills of administers in Buddhist oriented schools could be integrated with Dhamma for managing the Buddhist oriented schools in 3 aspects; 1. Self control skills correlate to the principles of Ti Sikkha, Gharavāsa Dhamma and Sappurisa Dhamma, 2. Man control skills correlated to the principles of Brahmavihāra Dhamma, Precepts and kalyanamitta, 3. Work control skills correlated to the principles of iddhipāda, Sanghahavatthu and Aparihāniya Dhamma.

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