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Model of Integrated Buddhist Administration for Local Administrative Organizations
Researcher : Wasita Kerdphol Prasopsak date : 07/11/2015
Degree : พุทธศาสตรดุษฎีบัญฑิต(การบริหารจัดการคณะสงฆ์)
Committee :
  ธัชชนันท์ อิศรเดช
  นภัทร์ แก้วนาค
Graduate : 2558

             There were 3 research objectives: 1) to study the integrative administration of local administrative organizations at all levels 2) to analyze theories and Buddhadhamma about the Integrated Buddhist administration of the local administrative organizations 3) to present the model of integrated Buddhist administration of local administrative organizations.

            The research methodology used for the study was mixed method, using qualitative research method as a main mean and supported by the quantitative research method.

            For the qualitative research, data was collected from the in-depth interview of 15 key informants. Those included experts on local administration who have long-term experiences in working for the local administrative organizations. The researcher used the obtained information to design the questionnaires which were used with 363 sampling group. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The findings were synthesized to create a model of integrated Buddhist administration for local administrative organizations. A Focus Group Discussion with 12 key informants was conducted. Those included the experts on Buddhism and local administration; the local administrators; and the local administrative personnel.   

            The qualitative research data was analyzed by 6Cs Technique Analysis to confirm the obtained model.  


The Findings       

            1) The integrative administration of local administrative organizations was at High level in general. However, some problems were found. Those included the unorganized administration; the budget allocation did not match the demand of the communities; the public service was inadequate; the public facilities did not match the demand of the communities; the personnel lack knowledge and skills for works. 

2) According to the theories and Buddhadhamma related to the integrated Buddhist administration, the researcher found that the integration of Buddhist doctrines in the local administration will bring in success to the administrative works. Those doctrines included:  Iddhipata 4, Brahmavihara 4, Sangahavatthu 4, and Thitthidhammigatta 4.  

3) The model of integrated Buddhist administration for the local administrative organizations needed to combine 3 factors together. Those were known as the 3Cs which were Co-ordination, Co-operation, and Consistency. The 3Cs can be used at 3 levels of local administrative organizations which are: the provincial administrative organization, the municipality, and the Tambon administrative organization. The related offices that the 3Cs can be applied for are: the finance, the human resources, and the participation. The local organizations’ functions that the 3Cs can be applied for are: the administration, the services and the supporting works. The integration of Buddhadhamma will lead to the build-up of Unity, Strength, and Sustainability.

The integrated Buddhist administration needs to have Brahmavihara 4 for the administrators; Sangahavatthu 4 for personnel; and Thitthidhammigattha 4 for service users. All sectors should use Iddhipata 4 for the higher achievements of their works. The integrated Buddhist administration will lead to the unity, strength and sustainability of the local administrative organizations.     

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