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The Work Effectiveness of the Police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province |
Researcher : |
Pratheep Monjai |
date : 22/02/2017 |
Degree : |
พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(การบริหารจัดการคณะสงฆ์) |
Committee : |
พระครูนิวิฐศีลขันธ์ |
พระครูสังฆรักษ์เกียรติศักดิ์ กิตฺติปญฺโญ |
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Graduate : |
๒๕๕๙ |
Abstract |
The objectives of this research were: 1) to study the level of the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province, 2) to study the relationship between the personal factors and the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province and 3) to study the problems, obstacles and ways for the development of the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province.
This research applied the Mixed Methods Research consisting of the qualitative and quantitative research. The sample was 397 people living in 7 Sub-Districts. The tools of the research were questionnaire and in-Depth interview from the 12 key informants. The analysis of data used Statistical Package for Social Science. The statistics for analysis data used Frequencies, Percentage, Mean, Standard Deviation, and Chi-Square test.
Results of the Research
1. Overall, the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province was at the high level ( =3.58). When considering each aspect, it was found that the Prevention and Suppression Section was at the highest level ( =3.60). Then, the Inquiry Section was ( =3.59), and the Traffic Section was ( =3.58). However, the Investigation Section was at the lowest level ( =3.55).
2. The relationship between the personal factors and the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province was the people having the different gender, age, degree of education, occupation and income had no the relationship to the effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province. Therefore, the hypothesis was denied.
3. The problems and obstacles of the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province were that for the Prevention and Suppression Section, the police was insufficient to the working and the public utilities was insufficient such as the fuel oil, equipment and vehicles. For the Investigation Section, the investigating police did not search for the cooperation to the people seriously, and were not gotten the cooperation from the witnesses and informants. The people had no confidence in the working of the police. For the Inquiry Section, the police was late to find more information, and the inquiry was out of date. For the Traffic Section, the law enforcement was not serious. Most, the traffic problem occurred from no respecting the traffic regulations of the people using the road.
The ways for the development of the work effectiveness of the police at Nongpling Police Station in Nakhon Sawan Province were that for the Prevention and Suppression Section, the Nongpling Police Station should allocate the police sufficiently to the working, and provide the public utilities sufficient to the demand. For the Investigation Section, the investigating police should search for the information from the people, make the confidence to the witnesses and informants in the safety, and make the confidence to the people in the working of the police. For the Inquiry Section, the police should apply the new technology in the working, develop the working update. For the Traffic Section, the police should enforcement the law seriously and efficiently, and cultivate the conscious to people using the road.
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