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Learning Organization Development of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok
Researcher : Phra Khamphout Uttamo (Sayavong) date : 08/03/2018
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(การบริหารจัดการคณะสงฆ์)
Committee :
  โกนิฏฐ์ ศรีทอง
  พระมหาอำนวย อํสุการี
Graduate : มีนาคม ๒๕๕๘



This research consisted of three main objectives: I) to study learning organization development of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok, II) to study the opinion level of the bureaucrats towards learning organization oevelopment of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok and III) to study the problems and guidelines for learning organization oevelopment of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok.

This research used implementation of the research methodology. As for the quantitative research, which conducted a survey research. The population used in this research is consisted of 125 bureaucrats from Taling Chan District Office. The tools used for data collection was questionnaire and gathered data were then analyzed by using statistical techniques such as frequency, percentage, mean and Standard Deviation (S.D.). To test the hypothesis, t-test and F-test analyzed with One-Way Analysis of Variance. The mean differences were compared with the difference of values for each pair by the Least Significant Difference method (LSD). To determine the statistical significance level of 0.05.


The Results of research showed that:

1. The majority of the respondents were female of 92 people accounted for 73.6 percent, aged between 30-38 years of 40 people accounted for 32.0 percent, Most of them were married of 62 people, representing 49.6 percent. Most respondents graduated bachelor's degree for amount of 83 people accounted for 66.4 percent. The majority of respondents had a monthly income of more than 25,001 baht upwards of 41 people, representing 32.8 percent. Most respondents have work experience from 16 years upwards of 57 people, representing 45.6 percent.


2. The overall opinions of bureaucrats towards learning organization development of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok were found at the high level of the top 5 aspects. When considered into each aspect, it was found at high level in all aspects. The aspect with the highest average was Mental Models and followed by Shared Vision, Team Learning, Personal Mastery and System Thinking.


3. The hypothesis testing found that bureaucrats who were different in terms of gender, age, status, education, monthly income and work experience had different opinion on learning organization development of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok. The considering of personal factors was found that bureaucrats with different gender education had no statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level; therefore the hypothesis were rejected. However, when categorizing the subjects based on age, status, monthly income and work experience, it was found that there statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level, so the hypothesis was accepted.

4. The problems and suggestions of learning organization development of Taling Chan District Office, Bangkok are: I) Personal Mastery: Most bureaucrats knew only their duties responsibly, when any bureaucrats was absent it made the work pause. Guideline: It should arrange a meeting, seminar, learn each one’s work duty to enable the individual be able for work interchangeably. II) Mental Models: Most bureaucrats didn’t have time enough to seek new knowledge as they had lots of tasks. Guideline: It should spend the free time to gain new knowledge for applying in working. III) Shared Vision: The bureaucrats had lack of discussion, pinions and experiences exchange. Guideline: It should provide opportunities for personnel at all levels to post a comment, exchange of experience to enhance the friendlier relationship. IV) Team Learning: Most bureaucrats had lack of coordination, chat and change perspectives together. Guideline: It should be accepted and exchange knowledge with each other. And should create unity within the organization, with the participation of more units. V) System Thinking: Most bureaucrats had lack of time to learn about systematic thinking, because they had a lot of duties. Guideline: It should provide for the training and knowledge to think systematically and consistently should provide training techniques suggested in the conceptual ideas.


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