First Page » Bhikkhuni Nguyễn Thị Hiền (Thích Nữ Liên Liễu)
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The Success of Helping-Parents Training Course for Vietnamese Children Based on the Buddha’s teachings
Researcher :
Bhikkhuni Nguyễn Thị Hiền (Thích Nữ Liên Liễu)
date : 15/08/2018
Degree :
Committee :
Phra Rajapariyattimuni
Banjob Bannaruji
Sanu Mahathanadull
Graduate :
This dissertation is qualitive research including survey opinion of the participants which is aimed for the following three objectives: (1)To study the gratitude problems of Vietnamese children in the present society; (2) To study the Buddha’s teachings regarding gratitude principle, cultivation and training process; and (3) To propose the “helping-parents” training course for Vietnamese children base on the Buddha’s teachings.