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Buddhist Psychological Factors Affecting to Happiness in Working of Staffs in Buriram Buddhist College Buriram Province
Researcher :
Phra Anantachai Abhinando (Khanphonoy)
date : 27/10/2018
Degree :
Committee :
สิริวัฒน์ ศรีเครือดง
Graduate :
๓๐ มีนาคม ๒๕๖๑
This research titled “Buddhist Psychological Factors Affecting to Happiness in Working of Staffs in Buriram Buddhist College Buriram Province” had three objective namely 1) to study level of happiness in working of stuffs in Buriram Buddhist College 2) to compare the difference of happiness in working by Buddhist psychological factors 3) to study the relationship between Buddhist psychological factors and happiness in working of stuffs in Buriram Buddhist College.The method of this research is quantitative and this research is emphasize on studying psychological theory integrated with Buddhist principles. Research tools is questionnaire created to measure happiness in working and Samples were 86 staffs of Buriram Buddhist College.