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A Study of English Speaking Presentation Techniques of Bachelor of Arts Students in English Program at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University ( English International Program)
Researcher : Khurleng Rajinda date : 17/11/2018
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(การบริหารจัดการคณะสงฆ์)
Committee :
  Veerakarn Kanokkamalade
  Nilratana Klinchan
Graduate : October 10, 2018

 The purposes of this study are 1) to study the English Speaking Presentation Techniques of Bachelor of Arts Students in English Program at Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. 2) to propose the solution of English Speaking Presentation techniques of Bachelor of Arts Students in English Program at Mahachularlongkornrajavidyalaya University. The number of the participnat are consited of 134 persons. The instrument used in this research is both qualitative and quantitative method. The tools used for collecting data were questionnaire, in-depth interview, and participant observation with students and then the information was analysed by using percentage, means, averages and standard deviation (S.D). 

              The result of research has been found that:

              After doing this research, the level of presentation techniques of the students has been found that most of respondents know the English speaking presetation techniques which is at the high level as shown at below.

              Introduction. It is found that most of respondents use the presentation techniquges of introuduction which is at the high level equal to  = 3.76 average.

              Body of presentation. It is found that most of respondents use the presentation techniques on body of presentation which is at the high level equal to  = 4.09 average.

              Delivering messages. It is found that most of respondents use the presentation techniques about delivering messages which is at the high level equal to  = 3.56 average.

              Using voice. It is found that most of respondents use the presentation techniques about using voice which is at the high level equal to  = 3.70 average.

              Conclusion. It is found that most of respondents use the presentation techniques about conclusion which is at the high level equal to  = 3.73 average.

              Presentation supporting techniques. It is found that most of respondents use the techniques presentation about presentation supporting techniques which is at the high level equal to  = 3.76 average.

              Presentation preparations. It is found that most of respondents use the techniques presentation about presentation preparations which is at the high level equal to  = 3.93 average.

              The suggestions on the students’ presentation techniuques have found that the Bachelor of Arts students should prepare the topic by gathering information or data. And students should practice more and more before making a presentation. And should learn the presentation techniques for improving communication skills, learn to pronounce clearly, gain more confidence when making a presentation with clear accent, and try to make the audience to understand what the speaker is saying. Furthermore, as a suggestion from participants, the presenter should have enough information, enough preparation, and adequate practice. And Presenters have to make a short note for not missing the main points and practicing more and more.



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