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A Study of the Causal Conditions in the Dependent Origination in Insight Meditation Practice
Researcher : Maechee Vanarak Thanathumathit date : 17/11/2018
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(วิปัสนาภาวนา)
Committee :
  ณัทธีร์ ศรีดี
Graduate : ๑๙ กรกฎาคม ๒๕๖๑

This research work contained 3 purposes, namely to study the Dependent Origination in Theravada Buddhism, to study the practice of Vipassana meditation based on 4 Foundations of Mindfulness and to study the Causal Conditions in the Dependent Origination for insight practice by studying the information from the Theravada Buddhist scriptures, Tipitaka, commentaries, and other scriptures related, then compiled by description, reviewed by experts.

                 The findings were that the teaching of Dependent Origination was delivered by the Buddha as true state or condition of nature which is essentially the reality. It presented the depending factor related to each other as a chain throughout its line, in both of rising and ceasing line. Dependent Origination indicates the function of life from birth until death. Those who clearly understood, will abandon all doubts regarding life, world, existence of heaven, merit, demerit, next life, Nibbana and so on.

                 Vipassana or insight refers to the training discourse of wisdom to realization based on principles of 4 foundations of mindfulness. Insight practitioner of Vipassana meditation must maintain 3 qualifications; great effort, mindfulness, and awareness for determining the conditions of body, feeling, mind and mental objects. Its aims of practice are to attain the Path and Fruit knowledge of insight which can lead to Nibbana through four noble truth; (1) knowledge on true suffering (2) knowledge cause of suffering (3) knowledge on cessation of suffering (4) knowledge on the way to end up all suffering.


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