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Buddhism and the Blood Donation : A Study of the Blood Donator’s Attitude at the Thai Red Cross National Blood Centre 2011
Researcher : Miss. Aphinya Thongsukchote date : 16/07/2012
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(พระพุทธศาสนา)
Committee :
  พระสุธีธรรมานุวัตร (เทียบ สิริญาโณ), ผศ.ดร.
  ผศ. ดร.มนตรี สืบด้วง
  ดร.จุฑามาศ วารีแสงทิพย์
Graduate : 2554


This thesis is of 3 objectives, namely : (1) to study the doctrinal principles regarding the donation according to the Buddhist views, (2) to study the donation of blood at the National Blood Donation Centre, Thai Red Cross Society, (3) to study the viewpoint held by the people coming to donate the blood at the National Blood Donation Centre, Thai Red Cross Society. 

                         This research study is a qualitative one.  It is also the study from the scriptures in the Three Baskets, the Commentaries and the scholary documents in Buddhism.  This study also includes the field research. - the group of people coming to donate the blood at the National Blood Donation Centre, Thai Red Cross Society, The researcher collected the data and analized them in conclusion.

                         From the research, it is found that the blood donation according to the Buddhist view is the first of “Punnakiriya-vatthu” the base of performing the merit which is the donation of Dana view is regarded as the “Upapāramī  (Minor Perfection) which the Buddha-Would-Be Performed for Sammāsambodhiñāna, the Knowledge of Perfect Enlightenment. The Buddhist Doctrinal principles support the blood donation  which is the second donation which is the second donation of the five Great Donations, that in the donation of the body which means the donation of blood, flesh, body separate part of body all of which are in the human being’s body.                     The Buddha tought the people to see states of life consisting of 5 aggregates which are under the rules of the Three Characteristics.  Affer the death, what remains is only the merit, the good action and the goodness. Regarding the blood donation, the amount of blood received from the donor is little, and thus, it is not enough for the patients’s need. Thus, to campaign for more donation of blood will be more useful and will build up the societies to be more progressive with efficiency. Howevers, the patients who are waiting for such help are not of limited number and the number of them will be more and more in the future, because the workdly development is out of limit. From the research, the people coming to donate the blood at the National Blood Donation Centre,  Thai Red Cross Society, It is also found that most of the people who come to donate the blood were practicing used to the Doctrines before and have the view points about the Buddhist  principles that the donation of blood is the help to other people’s lives. It is regarded as the making of merit and the offering of charity (Dāna).  One who does as  it is mentioned above, can get merit and good deed out of helping the others. It is a way of accumulating the merits and the goodness to oneself.  the persons who are used to donate the blood  agree with the way of donating the blood in order to help the societies without the hope to receive the result in return.

                Therefore, the people’s viewpoiing the charity in Buddhism are of the effects to the donation of the blood and also of the influence causing the people to see the importance of making benefit to develop the societies in general.

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