This thesis had 3 main objectives : 1) to study the Dhamma principles related to the Effort as appeared in the scripture of Buddhism, 2) to study the effort of SonÚakolÚivisa Thera 3) to study the application of effort in Thai society today. This research was a qualitative research focusing on studying and searching from documents. Data surveying in primary level were from the three divisions of the Buddhist Canon (the Tipitaka) and commentaries while in secondary level were from academic textbooks, documents and related researches.
   The results of this study found that the Dhamma principles which Buddha taught the Buddhist assembly related to the effort and there were the other Dhamma principles which all supporting the effort these principles were consisting of having faith, having less ailment, no boast, remarking of the effort and having wisdom, Padhana 2 (effort) DiÚtÚthadhammikattha SaÚmvatthanikkadhamma 4 (the sources of happiness in the present life for higher benefit in the future), Sammappadhana 4 (Supreme efforts), Sampatti 4 (success), Iddhipada 4 (the Four Paths of Accomplishment) and Bala 5 (power). The effort itself needed other Dhamma principles to coordinate in practice and Paramidhamma (the ten Perfections) was another principle found to support each other which the practitioners could finally meet the Dhamma goal.
The effort of SonÚakolÚivisa Thera was the wholesome or meritorious actions which were collected from the past life wishing to be the best of remarking on the Effort In the old Buddhist era, he was taking up the Bhikkhuship and practicing Dhamma for Buddhist monks by walking up and down on his feet, knees and hands till his feet, knees and hands turned out and crack at the end, but he did not meet any goals at all because of too much efforts he put into his practices. Later he changed to put proper efforts into his practices, knowing that all spiritual faculties were equal and holding regular mental images, then he separated himsetf to be alone with carefully and had his full efforts which became his supreme characteristics, was the best of his Holy Life. He was praised by Lord Buddha to be the best of remearking on the effort.
The effort gave us both basic and high benefits to the level of the highest ideal which could be applied to use in our daily-lives in Thai society today, For Buddhist monks and priests, walking up and down and sitting (flat on the haunches) cross-legged were the practices in order to develop their own lives to meet the goals. For ordinary persons created themselves to have the high virtue since they had practiced themselves all the time with Sila (morality), Samadhi (concentration) and Panna (wisdom). Such practices caused peaceful life without impatience and anxiety of power from Lobha (greed), Dosa (hatred) and Moha (ignorance). To analyse and apply the effort in Thai society today were classified by individual and social institution. Advantages and disadvantages happened from the effort would lead to the application for oneself and his society, including the effort for the highest benefits.
For conclusion, understanding study on the principles of the effort being as the important keys for winding to appropriate way of life which resulted happiness and peace to the practitioners. The effort provided benefits in developing themselves to be calm without remaining ignorant to the changes of life and also helped to unravel any conflicts of life which Buddhist people should learn and make clear understanding on the Effort for their better lives. |